Name: Earl David Richardson
Alias: Soaring Eagle
Occupation: Border Patrol Specialist, Government Agent
Hair: Black (Bald)
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 220 lbs
Height: 6’5”
Sex: Male
Status: Single
Body Type: Physical Specimen (very athletic)
Place of Birth: Colorado Springs, Colorado
POWERS & ABILITIES: Earl David Richardson was enhanced by an energy drink released into the public by the N.S.A.E. (Natural Supplement for Athlete Enhancement) to alter 1 in every 10000 humans in the state of Colorado. The drink altered his DNA genetic makeup allowing him to lift (press) up to 1 ton. He has special forces military training allowing him to hit shoot a gun from 3400 yards and shatter a plate with certain rifles. His hand-to-hand combat skills are some of the finest on the planet featuring just about every martial art known. His vision was also enhanced by the formula allowing him to see farther than other humans it's said he can see as far as 7 miles away with fair accuracy describing images. His body heals itself faster than normal humans making him more durable than the average homosapien, but he can still be damaged by gun fire and steel weapons. Soaring Eagle is extremly athletic which allows him to perform manuevers in the sky and on the ground most high-level gymnast cannot perform if placed in an obstacle course or rigorous combat setting.
EQUIPMENT & WEAPONS: Eagles special reinforced suit is made from a special mixture of Kevlar, Nitnol and Titanium. The formula is secret mixture with additional alloys that haven't been disclosed to the public. Eagle's mechanical wings reflect and protect from gunfire from high caliber guns and even some airforce fighter planes missle fire. However, the extent of the blast the suit can take without killing the wearer is unknown. The wings on the aerial artillery can act as metal projectiles that are sharp and capable of piercing titanium alloy. Each wing can act similar to a mirror and refract sunlight and other high beam lights off of them producing a blinding effect. They appear to be layered allowing one to replace another if used as a projectile or lost due to an explosion or damage unfortunately the amount of layers for the retractable wings is unknown and the designers have decided to keep this information top seacret. Soaring Eagle's wings also have an under layer inside of each wing that act like satelites and listening devices keeping him up to date on situations from cell phones, cop scanners, GPS tracking and movement, and a plethora of listening and transmission communication abilities. The wings act as powerful mini motors with back up engines laced around the boot area allowing him to hover like a helicopter and use arial assaults swifter than a falcoln or eagle enabling him to travel at speeds of 3,530 km/h (2,190 mph). Eagle's boots carry 3 retractable sets of talons which can detach acting like and extreme pair of handcuffs. Due to drinking a special formula from the N.S.A.E. (unintentionally) Soaring Eagle is able to lift (press) 2 tons without his suite and 5 to 6 tons with the suit enhancing his strength & abilities. Eagle is a top combatant being trained in the airforce and border patrol tactics he's also endowed with Judo, jujitsu, muay thai, boxing, wrestling, escrima, arnis, kali, kenpo, and several other martial arts making him an incredible hand to hand combatant and weapons expert.
STORY: Earl David Richardson was a 5-star General in the Air Force that kept his airmen loose and relaxed. This ease of mind led to several pranks and Richardson had his drink swaped out by one of his fellow service men during a practical joke. Unknowingly he was given the N.S.A.E. energy drink and attained superhuman strength and some enhanced abilities. After leaving the Air Force for fear of people catching wind of his new found abilities he joined the border patrol where little to his knowledge, the airforce wanted to implement a special program in order to stop the breaching of the border not just by people seeking refuge in the U.S., but for special drug operations and attempts at destroying our government. He dawned the suit and took the oath FOR AS LONG AS THE FLAG SHALL WAVE, AN EAGLE IS STRONG AND BRAVE!
Alias: Soaring Eagle
Occupation: Border Patrol Specialist, Government Agent
Hair: Black (Bald)
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 220 lbs
Height: 6’5”
Sex: Male
Status: Single
Body Type: Physical Specimen (very athletic)
Place of Birth: Colorado Springs, Colorado
POWERS & ABILITIES: Earl David Richardson was enhanced by an energy drink released into the public by the N.S.A.E. (Natural Supplement for Athlete Enhancement) to alter 1 in every 10000 humans in the state of Colorado. The drink altered his DNA genetic makeup allowing him to lift (press) up to 1 ton. He has special forces military training allowing him to hit shoot a gun from 3400 yards and shatter a plate with certain rifles. His hand-to-hand combat skills are some of the finest on the planet featuring just about every martial art known. His vision was also enhanced by the formula allowing him to see farther than other humans it's said he can see as far as 7 miles away with fair accuracy describing images. His body heals itself faster than normal humans making him more durable than the average homosapien, but he can still be damaged by gun fire and steel weapons. Soaring Eagle is extremly athletic which allows him to perform manuevers in the sky and on the ground most high-level gymnast cannot perform if placed in an obstacle course or rigorous combat setting.
EQUIPMENT & WEAPONS: Eagles special reinforced suit is made from a special mixture of Kevlar, Nitnol and Titanium. The formula is secret mixture with additional alloys that haven't been disclosed to the public. Eagle's mechanical wings reflect and protect from gunfire from high caliber guns and even some airforce fighter planes missle fire. However, the extent of the blast the suit can take without killing the wearer is unknown. The wings on the aerial artillery can act as metal projectiles that are sharp and capable of piercing titanium alloy. Each wing can act similar to a mirror and refract sunlight and other high beam lights off of them producing a blinding effect. They appear to be layered allowing one to replace another if used as a projectile or lost due to an explosion or damage unfortunately the amount of layers for the retractable wings is unknown and the designers have decided to keep this information top seacret. Soaring Eagle's wings also have an under layer inside of each wing that act like satelites and listening devices keeping him up to date on situations from cell phones, cop scanners, GPS tracking and movement, and a plethora of listening and transmission communication abilities. The wings act as powerful mini motors with back up engines laced around the boot area allowing him to hover like a helicopter and use arial assaults swifter than a falcoln or eagle enabling him to travel at speeds of 3,530 km/h (2,190 mph). Eagle's boots carry 3 retractable sets of talons which can detach acting like and extreme pair of handcuffs. Due to drinking a special formula from the N.S.A.E. (unintentionally) Soaring Eagle is able to lift (press) 2 tons without his suite and 5 to 6 tons with the suit enhancing his strength & abilities. Eagle is a top combatant being trained in the airforce and border patrol tactics he's also endowed with Judo, jujitsu, muay thai, boxing, wrestling, escrima, arnis, kali, kenpo, and several other martial arts making him an incredible hand to hand combatant and weapons expert.
STORY: Earl David Richardson was a 5-star General in the Air Force that kept his airmen loose and relaxed. This ease of mind led to several pranks and Richardson had his drink swaped out by one of his fellow service men during a practical joke. Unknowingly he was given the N.S.A.E. energy drink and attained superhuman strength and some enhanced abilities. After leaving the Air Force for fear of people catching wind of his new found abilities he joined the border patrol where little to his knowledge, the airforce wanted to implement a special program in order to stop the breaching of the border not just by people seeking refuge in the U.S., but for special drug operations and attempts at destroying our government. He dawned the suit and took the oath FOR AS LONG AS THE FLAG SHALL WAVE, AN EAGLE IS STRONG AND BRAVE!